No matter what, keep pressing on! If you fail with your first attempt, that's OK. Just like with any new habit or change in your life, you may feel uncertain at first and resort to giving up. Keep in mind, when you are just starting out with the cash envelope system, you might feel a little overwhelmed and confused. Read: 8 Important Things That Are Missing from Your Budget.When you see money disappearing before your very eyes, you are less likely to spend wastefully. The point is, you start to think through every purchase. Seeing how much I had to spend, forced me to rethink my spending habits. I looked down into my cart, and I saw all of these last-minute impulse items – the 12-pack of soda, the cookies, the magazine I picked up while I was waiting in line. This changed my way of thinking immediately. I went to pull money from my “grocery” envelope and realized that if I made the purchase, I would only be left with $5 in my envelope. I filled up my cart just like I always had, went to the checkout line, and was told how much it would cost. I will never forget my first trip to the grocery store with my cash envelopes. When I first started with cash envelopes, this was apparent from the very beginning. Using envelope cash will make you more in tune with your budget because you will be reminded of it every time you reach into an envelope to pull out money. There is no way for you to see the consequences of your spending if you are only swiping a card. The truth is, credit cards make it too easy to overspend. When you are forced to reach inside your envelope and hand over dollar bills for your purchases, the concept of money becomes much more apparent with cash instead of plastic. If you stick to your cash envelopes, there is no way you can overspend. The visibility that the envelopes system gives you lets you see exactly how much cash you have left to spend, all within your income limits.

If you think about it, many people overspend not because they don't have enough income, but because they don't know or “can't see” where their money is going every month. The cash envelope system is a visual system. If you do this long enough, it can result in huge amounts of debt. This results in depending on credit and spending more than they make month after month. One of the biggest problems I see with people who are in debt or who are just starting out with budgeting is that they have no clue about how much they spend. Read: The Savings Strategy That’s Preparing Me for the Future.
Today, I want to show you how to ditch your debit card and start using cash for your budget, and give you some fantastic resources to get started! I was able to track my spending more efficiently, I was able to make more significant debt payments, I hit my goal of saving my first $1,000, I successfully saved more money and went on my first all-cash paid vacation back in May of this year, and so much more! When I started using cash envelopes, magical things began to happen. Cash spending was the missing piece that I needed to make my budget work for me in ways I never imagined. I started using cash envelopes back in 2016, and it was an absolute game-changer for my budget. Not only has it helped me pay off close to $25,000 worth of credit card debt, but it has allowed me to save money and gain control of my finances. I have been using the same budget-by-paycheck method for the past 5 years, and to be honest, I wouldn't do it any other way. If you have heard of it, I have tried it. Not only have I been successfully budgeting my money for the past six years, but I have tried every budgeting method known to man.
I had no clue what I was doing, no idea how to make my expenses work with my income, and it took me almost a full year to see any signs of success.įast forward to today. I created my very first budget in 2011, and let's just say, it was anything but pretty. As most of you know, I have been budgeting for the last 7 years.